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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 68, Issue 5, pp. 1203-1502

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Solute Transport in Porous Media. Media with Capillaries as Voids

Guillermo H. Goldsztein

pp. 1203-1222

Diffusion of Protein Receptors on a Cylindrical Dendritic Membrane with Partially Absorbing Traps

Paul C. Bressloff, Berton A. Earnshaw, and Michael J. Ward

pp. 1223-1246

Convergence of Dual Algorithm with Arbitrary Communication Delays

Richard J. La and Priya Ranjan

pp. 1247-1267

Analytical Approximation for the Generalized Laplace Equation with Step Function Coefficient

R. F. Sviercoski, C. L. Winter, and A. W. Warrick

pp. 1268-1281

Local Tomography in Electron Microscopy

Eric Todd Quinto and Ozan Öktem

pp. 1282-1303

Boundary Conditions for the Microscopic FENE Models

Chun Liu and Hailiang Liu

pp. 1304-1315

Traveling Waves and Shocks in a Viscoelastic Generalization of Burgers' Equation

Victor Camacho, Robert D. Guy, and Jon Jacobsen

pp. 1316-1332

The Chapman–Jouguet Closure for the Riemann Problem with Vaporization

Vincent Perrier

pp. 1333-1359

Self-Similar Solutions for the Triple Point Paradox in Gasdynamics

Allen M. Tesdall, Richard Sanders, and Barbara L. Keyfitz

pp. 1360-1377

An Asymptotic Factorization Method for Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering in Layered Media

Roland Griesmaier

pp. 1378-1403

Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Torsional Flow between Coaxial Discs with Heat Transfer

David O. Olagunju, Anand B. Vyas, and Shangyou Zhang

pp. 1404-1422

Stability of Solitary Waves in a Semiconductor Drift-Diffusion Model

C. M. Cuesta and C. Schmeiser

pp. 1423-1438

Asymmetric Channel Divider in Stokes Flow

I. David Abrahams, Anthony M. J. Davis, and Stefan G. Llewellyn Smith

pp. 1439-1463

Global Asymptotic Stability for a Class of Nonlinear Chemical Equations

David F. Anderson

pp. 1464-1476

Voltage and Current Excitation for Time-Harmonic Eddy-Current Problems

Ana Alonso Rodríguez and Alberto Valli

pp. 1477-1494

Global Stability of Virus Spreading in Complex Heterogeneous Networks

Lin Wang and Guan-zhong Dai

pp. 1495-1502